Monday, 28 May 2018

Optical Fibre Cabling

An optical fiber cable is a bundle of optical fibers that are used to carry light for purpose of long-distance telecommunication or providing high-speed data connection between buildings, workstations and office space.

Composition:- optical fiber is basically made of two types of material- glass and plastic. Both types of fiber have different characteristics and applications. Fiber made of plastic is used for short range and consumer applications. Fiber made of glass is used for short/medium (multimode) and long range (single mode) telecommunications.

Operational principle:- optical fiber need a total internal reflection of light for transmission. Hence, it uses core and cladding which has a difference in refracting index causing total internal reflection. The cladding has a coating of acrylate polymer to protect it from damage, but this polymer does not guide electromagnetic waves in the optical spectrum. Fibers then have cable core formed by buffer layer made of resin. Cables also have jacket layer which is made of material specific to the application of cables. Jacket determines age caused due to UV radiation, oil radiation, mechanical robustness etc.

Work:- modern fiber cable can transfer digital information or computer storage with potential bandwidth in terabytes per second. Optical fiber cables transfer data at speed of light in glass. Optical fibers also have some loss during transmission. It has approximate round trip delay time for 1000 km of around 11 milliseconds.

Safety concerns- it is vital to keep optical fiber safe for continuous transmission of data. The optical fiber had to bear lots of stress while passing through a hostile environment. Its strength is time relative and depends on the stress applied to fiber during handling, cabling, and installation of fiber. Basically, there are three reasons of loss of strength and failure of fiber-
  1.            Dynamic fatigue
  2.            Static fatigue
  3.            Zero stress aging
Telcordia  GR-20 contains criterion of reliability and quality to protect optical fiber in all operating conditions.

Protection:- optical fibers are protected by external dangers through multiple numbers of protective layers. The number of layers of protective sheathings of fibers depends on the application of cables. Fibers must be made such as to protect it shelf from stretch during laying and due to temperature change. One most critical threat to fiber is contamination by water if the fiber is passing near to water sources. This problem is tackled by use of barriers such as copper tubes, and water repellent jelly or water absorbing powder around the fiber.

Experts house trading is one of the leading company providing optical fiber cabling services. You can attain its services by going on company ‘s website-

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