Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Relevance of network cabling in the wireless era

Once upon a time, in 1842, a man called Daniel Colladon had the vision for a “light pipe” to transport light to other places.  Jules Verne, the famous writer, spoke extensively about the magic of cables while describing the working of his “one of a kind “submarine called Nautilus. Almost 150 years later, the era of network cabling seems to be waning, bogged down by the fierce competition given by WiFi.

The nineties were a glorious era for cabling, in India and abroad as well. Cable television was at its peak,  the World Wide Web had to be accessed over, don’t you?

Well, the answer to the question is still no. Despite the popularity of the wireless network and its services promoted by various telecom companies, the network cable sector still has a stronghold in this market. Landlines still are needed, no matter how many mobile phones we have. To people who cannot afford 3G/4G phones, the dialing network connection is still their hope when it comes to connecting with the rest of the world. Also, various complain important areas where privacy and security are paramount, network cables are preferred because it is extremely easy to hack WiFi networks, but network cables are much more secure. Also, in a bid to keep up with the WiFi, companies have improved the speed and clarity with the network cable. Though the cable television sector is still reducing, its cheaper rate in comparison to the dish networks is still very tough to beat.

Especially in a country like ours, where despite having WiFi, its speed is not always guaranteed, the network cable method seems to a good back-up to keep during emergencies.

However, Network cabling will have to improve and upgrade further if it seriously hopes to compete with the recent wireless advancements. It has to find a way to innovate and show more pros than cons, just like the motto – “Improvise. Adapt. Overcome” if it seriously hopes to survive another era in this ever-changing world.

At Experts House Trading, we deal in world class cable management and associated equipment suitable for commercial use. To know more about our services, do visit our website at

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